Claire Conger

random ideas, a collection

Claire's Original Art Greeting Cards
There is nothing that says I care like a real snail-mail greeting card!
Click on a picture above for a plain-paper printable greeting card pdf. Print on regular 8.5 by 11 printer paper. Fold twice so that the art is on the front and the title and copyright are on the back. Write your greeting on the inside. Mail in an A2 Invitation Envelope.
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Fahrenheit 9 11 is More Moore Spin

August 4th, 2009 · 1 Comment

I just watched Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)*–for the second time. I was thoroughly entertained, but I realized, watching it, that I didn’t have a way to evaluate its veracity. I wondered, for example, if Mr Moore’s FBI interviewee knew what actually happened or if his criticisms were biased because he was “out of the loop.”  When Ricky Martin couldn’t fly, was that before or after the Saudis left the country? I don’t know, because Mr Moore uses facts judiciously and juxtaposes events to lead me to believe what he wants me to believe. He’s disingenuous.

This is not to say that I don’t like Michael Moore’s work. I think Sicko is very worth watching, but not because Mr Moore makes a compelling argument. See Bowling for Columbine meets Sicko in a Culture of Fear for three compelling reasons to watch Sicko.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is entertainment and a starting point for a history lesson, but it’s a spun version. I can’t take Mr Moore’s word for anything, but sometimes I can learn something.

The people at BlackFive Media in Fahrenheit 411 point to an article by Tom McNamee in the Chicago Red Streak for an interesting counter to Mr Moore’s spin. (I don’t know who these people are, but they seem intelligent.)

* Fahrenheit 9/11 is a “documentary” that indicts Bush the Shrub for his 2000 election “stolen” in Florida, his war in Iraq, and his handling of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

Tags: Movies Worth Watching

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Rand Zacharias // Feb 18, 2011 at 11:59 pm

    Michael Moore has some facts incorrectly disclosed, but he’s very right about the plutocracy of the US of A.

    Bush, the “shrub,” as you put it, has a lot to answer for. What occurred under his presidency is nothing less than piracy, moral bankruptcy and eternally fatal for this apparent land that he loves.

    How do I know? I moved to Canada shortly before 9/11, because by then I saw the failings of an economic system that was allowing the rich to rape the poor…it is unconscionable, what the wealthy, wall street weasels and the slimy politicians have done to future Americans–I don’t know how you will recover?

    Until someone realizes the polarization that has occurred in your country is killing it–you are all doomed–in Canada, I’ll survive and hope to save any that I can.

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